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Monday, November 14, 2011

Funny Kids!

So I'm becoming the worst blogger! I blog stuff in my head all the time. . ."oh, that was cute I'll post that..." or " haha how funny I'm gonna remember that for the blog..." or most recently... " my baby is growing sooooo fast I need to document all her progress on the blog!"... then things get busy and life happens and all these awesome blog moments stay in the jumble of blog that is my mind. Anyways I don't have tons of time to make a super long catch up post right now but a few thoughts I need to document before they are lost forever because I tend to laugh and then forget details.

Jax- started some new "day vitamins" to help with some things at school and recently read 21 200+ page chapter books in one month. He also told me last night that he used to hate math because it was "his nemesis"- but now "it's super fun" and he's "really good at it" and "loves it!"
We thank Heavenly Father for the marvel and blessing of modern medicine everyday- he's been able to excel so much. We are so grateful for him in our family.

Eva- yesterday morning at breakfast "may I have some mascara on my waffles?" hahaha! I was so confused- it took me a minute, but we figured it out. . . she wanted 'nutella' we had a good laugh- I'm gonna remember to ask her if I can put nutella on her eyes for the nutcracker bwahaha. ( oh yeah -she auditioned for the Nutcracker Ballet and got cast as a cherub with the 7-8 year olds! She was pretty excited because she's the youngest one in her group, all the kids her age were cast as other parts)

Carter- He loves to sing. He's a singing machine and I love it! The other day he was singing The armies of Helamen and when he got to the chorus he sang "...and we will be the armies of evil-men..." Awesome. I loved it and texted it to Dave right away, we both got a good laugh.

Elena- the other night we were reading scriptures while Sharkey was in the tub and then we all heard this SPLASH! I went running in and Elle had managed to pull herself into the tub and was thoroughly pleased with herself. Now we know to watch out anytime the tub/shower's running because she's likely to invite herself in everytime. She loves water! She loves dancing to and she can mooove! :) I'll try to catch her skills on camera and post them here they're pretty intense.

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