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Friday, November 9, 2012


 Silly little cabbage patch baby
 ISU Game With Farrell- Go BENGALS!
 Jaxson Scout honors/achievements 2012
 My little Leprechans
Catching Popping Popcorn in the Kitchen (a family home evening Fav!)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Is it someone else?
Is it something else?
Perhaps a lack of identity within oneself?
How can one know, if they can't tell themselves?
I want to help- want to give of myself, but this problem's not mine.
I can't solve it alone.
How to help I still am not sure, but of this I'm certain-
I'll do what I must.
I'll never give up.
I'll do whatever it takes to help you rebound.
We need for you to be happy.
We love you so much.
Even if that means I must allow you to go.
No, it's not easy, it hurts more than I can admit
but I know I can't stand to see you suffer so.
I miss the spark in your eye, the laugh in your voice,
that special something that made everything alright.
It will be ok, whatever you pick.
We'll always be cheering for you, proud of all the great things that you'll do.
We're willing to do whatever it takes, to help you find you.
I hope you can find it. I hope it exists.
I hope you won't feel that there's something you've missed.
Let us know if there is help we can give, along this road you feel you must travel.
Please always remember you're loved- not simply by us but also by Father above.
You're never alone, in that you can trust.
He also can hear you and will help you find what you must.
I love you my darling.
Best wishes my dear.
I hope for you happiness year after year.
(Also when you find it, I'd love to hear.)

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Sometimes it's okay to not understand.
Sometimes it's not bad to be upset.
Sometimes things are not what they seem.
Sometimes people let us down, down so low we can't be found.
Sometimes its okay to not be brave, while the whole world's crashing down.
Eventually, I'm told, things will be ok, but it doesn't feel like that sometimes.
Today I don't like sometimes.
I yearn for other times when things were real and times were fun.
I miss the smiles, hate the tears.
Was it ever real?
For me it always was.
It feels as though it was for you too sometimes.
How will I ever know? The choice is not mine.
I don't know that I can ever understand.
Not this time.
We need you, and not just sometimes.